Friday, January 11, 2019

Morning Glories

I should have realized that the glorious sunrise yesterday was a sign of good things to come. Of course, snapping a photo while driving isn't going to do the magical color scheme justice. But I had to keep my eyes on the road, not the side view.

Turns out is was almost sunset when good news traveled through Wisconsin faster than any speed limit could handle. Jayme Closs was found. And she's still alive.

In our state, I wouldn't be surprised if 8 out of 10 people knew the name and what this 13-year-old girl looked like. Her picture has been plastered everywhere and as often as possible for the 88 days she's been missing. Everyone has been praying for her safe return. And we all know God eventually answer prayers. On His time schedule.

But what a miracle for the girl from a small town in my "back home" neck of the woods!

A miracle yes, but I can't imagine how the trauma of her abduction and the murder of her parents will impact this middle-schooler. So don't stop praying for her!

Although I don't know her or her family or anyone in Barron (which is much closer to Rice Lake and Cumberland than to Luck), I treated it as good news. As any parent would!

It sort of balanced some tough news this week that one of my cousins lost his battle with cancer. I've been praying for him, too. But I knew when I was praying for God to comfort him and relieve his pain, death would pretty much be the answer. But like Jayme's case, there is still more praying to do!

Please pray for my Aunt Barb especially. She lost her husband (my Uncle Ray) this summer and now just 6 months later, she's saying goodbye to her firstborn. The last few days I've almost pleaded with God on her behalf. "That's so much heartbreak for a person. Please wrap your loving arms around her and comfort her! Help her feel our love."

Nothing is in our control. No matter how much we pray, it's still God's will. Just ask him to give strength to those who have to cope with the outcome of that will. That's all we can do.

That and keep our eyes open. Like this beautiful sunrise, miracles happen every day. You don't need to take a picture to prove it happened. The person who needs it will already know.

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