Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Grant Me Patience, Grasshopper

Saw this today and it spoke to me. Especially at this time of year where we got so gung-ho over New Year's resolution and then beat ourselves up for lack of progress. Well, it IS January. But it's only January 23.

Patience, Grasshopper.

Another gem from Wiki-Robyn, did you "Patience, grasshopper" comes from the 1970s TV show called Kung Fu? Even with all my kickboxing knowledge, I didn't know that. David Carradine played the role of Kwai Chang Caine, a half-American half chinese character in the old west who had been trained as a Shaolin monk in China. The show featured flashbacks to his training where he was called "Grasshopper" by his master. So now you know.

And now.... do you have patience, young Grasshopper?

I don't. But I'll get there. As I said to myself on the slippery drive to work this morning: You go slow, you go far.

So I will follow this revised Serenity Prayer and not beat myself up for being imperfect. But applaud myself because today I can say I'm doing better than I was yesterday.

That deserves an "amen," right?

Stay strong, friends. And exercise patience, Grasshopper!

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