Saturday, July 1, 2017

So Glad

Perfect timing that the gladiolas I got from hubby for my birthday opened up today. I guess they are glad that Jim and I walked down the aisle 15 years ago. Me, too.

As anniversaries go, well, it was a Saturday so our day was paved with good intentions.

Hubby's intentions: I need to mow and load firewood we're buying.
Hubby's reality: Goes golfing with a buddy and takes a nap.

My intentions: I need to clean house, do yard work, make treats and get a run in.
My reality: Buys new camera, makes treats and takes a nap.

At least we had a nap together and an evening with friends, grilling out, visiting, enjoying a fire and listening to music, plus a ton of fireworks going off. Apparently a lot of people are celebrating our anniversary this weekend.

I'm glad.

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