Monday, March 22, 2021

Blind Squirrel

The saying goes that even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile. This applies to my rare good golf shots and the occasional great action shot with my camera.

It does not apply to my blind attempts to capture an image of a squirrel.

While walking around the lake after work, I saw a big fat squirrel hauling a big leafy branch. I thought hey, that would be a cute picture. He's big and the branch is big. So I grab my phone out of my pocket and try to get the camera on – still not a pro with this after a week and 2 days with my new smartphone. By that time I was shooting blindly up the tree and did manage to get a picture of him in his nest.

After he plopped in there and out of sight.

So there's my non-wildlife picture of the day. I will say I learned something though. I always assumed nests like that were for birds. I didn't know squirrels build nests. I guess I've watched too many cartoons and they all live in a hole in the tree.

That's something I'm probably not going to investigate any further. 

Guess I'll have to practice using my camera while I watch The Voice tonight.

Oh hi, Nick Jonas! I'll be seeing you a few minutes! 

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