Sunday, March 7, 2021

No Foolin'

No jacket required today. Nor the next few days. But I'd suggest you don't pack away all your winter clothes just yet. Pretty sure in the Midwest right now we're in Fool's Spring mode. Or perhaps, optimistically, the Spring of Deception.

Either way, don't put your snowblower in the shed just yet. Keep it handy. For sure we know April knows how to dish up surprises for us fools.

I say, let's enjoy it while it lasts! Look at the temp this afternoon! I mean it was windy so could have "felt" warmer, but I will overlook that in a heartbeat if I can get 10,000 steps two days in a row and not freeze.

My excitement today was online church, a walk, a run (drive, really) to Shippy Shoes in Stevens Point to get new running (or fast walking, most likely) shoes, then another walk, phone call with my momma, and golf (I watched on TV and hubby was off golfing on his friend's simulator). 

Somewhere in there we wished boy No. 1 a happy 30th birthday. We can no longer say all our boys are in their 20s. I'm not getting old. They are. 

Hard to believe we were out there in gorgeous Washington a year ago this weekend, celebrating his 29th. Thanks to the lovely pandemic, that seems more like 3 or 4 years ago. Crazy. 

Cherish the moments and the memories while you can. That includes loving on Mother Nature over this first or second – but not final – spring in Wisconsin. Thanks, lady! Let's have a good week!

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