Saturday, March 27, 2021


When you see those online quizzes about what foods you don't like or at least don't eat, I'll confess I've listed avocados before. Without even giving them a chance.

In my defense, I worked at Taco Hell in college and my idea of avocados stems from that awful guac. So yes, I've avoided them ever since. Just assuming, I guess, that I wouldn't like them or, heaven forbid, guacamole.

Fast forward 30 years and I'm trying new meal plan of sorts that calls for avocados – more than once in the coming 7 days. So I add them to my already too healthy and un-Robyn-like grocery list. 

Did you know they're actually a fruit? Didn't see that one coming. I found them easily enough, but didn't even have the option of buying just one to test it out. It was either "all in" while I had them in my hand or go to another store – and lose my courage.

So here I am at 50+ buying my first avocados ever. And, after Googling what to do with them...

I sliced my first one, removed the pit, and tasted a little bit of my first one. Ever.  It wasn't bad. It wasn't good either. It was just.. nothing. So I mean I'll eat them with this plan. I'm guessing they will be good with the toast and other things recommended. Maybe some yummy flavor is lurking.

I can't see myself falling in love with them, but at least I've proven you're never too old to try something new. 

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