Thursday, March 11, 2021

What a Bluster

It was a blustery day in the Hundred Acre 'Hood today. Had super loud keep-you-awake rain in the night, then super crazy winds today. And I mean super crazy. Look...

Proud to say we top the list of Winds-Day wind gusts in the 'Hood today. Oh bother, as Pooh would say. Instead of a small craft warning like they have on lakes and oceans, they had a small pet warning. Like hold on to them. They may blow away. Not kidding. 

I was up for the challenge. Hubby warned me after his morning walk that facing west was going to be brutal. So I went that way first on my noontime walk. By the time the wind was blowing me back home, I couldn't see, I looked like Medusa, and I had gum in my hair. Or was it hair in my gum?

It brought to mind an old Winnie the Pooh blessing: May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back! 

Pooh knows. Oh bother, indeed! 

Be careful out there!

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