Saturday, March 20, 2021

Hello, Spring

The official first day of spring according to the calendar – and it actually felt like it for once! Sunny and breezy, but look at that temperature!

The snow is finally gone from our yard so what to my wondering eyes should appear but... some recipes my neighbor Cindy had put in our mailbox in January. On a windy and snowy day in January. By the time I got out to the mailbox that day, they'd blown out from the newspaper box area and were buried in snow. Somewhere.

I now have recipes for instant chai tea and crockpot lasagna soup. Pretty sure I can make those in any season, right?

Today was also the last day to do the virtual Point Bock Run. It usually falls the first weekend of March. This year they had to do it virtually and we had three weeks to get our times in. So Cindy and I walked around the lake plus another mile to do the 5-mile "event." Had someone along the route take our picture since we already got the shirts a few weeks ago! It was a gorgeous day for a long walk! 

We also let some fresh air into the house. And since it was so nice out, hubby and I had brats on the grill for supper. Just tastes like summer! 

Of course, I closed off the first day of spring with the most winter-like thing possible: ice skating.

Not me. Just a dozen or so young ladies I know in the 2021 Ice Show by the Wisconsin Rapids Figure Skating Club. Brooke (pictured) invited me and of course there were several other Assumption students, plus two young ladies from my church. Lots of talent, that's for sure.

I'll confess it's much more difficult to shoot than hockey. More like the challenges of a dance recital. Low lights, spotlights, and several people performing at once, all over the place. I'm pretty sure I'll be disappointed in most of my pictures, but if I get a few decent ones of each of those kids, I'll consider it a victory.

And say goodbye to winter once and for all. 

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