Sunday, March 28, 2021

Must Be a Full Moon

Nope, that is not an avocado or an egg. It's a little tree stump with some white stuff on there. What could it be ?

Bleepin' snow, of course. When it's a full moon, it's like Mother Nature is off her meds. And it isn't pretty.

Thankfully, even though it was crazy windy and only 36 degrees today, the sun was out so the snow all melted before, yes, the full moon rose. A big, super Palm Sunday moon!

Also pretty fitting to have a full moon during March Madness! Alabama just pushed their game into OT with last-second 3-pointer! Does this really matter for my busted bracket? No. But, unlike the unstable Mother Nature, this is the good kind of March Madness you don't want to miss.


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