Monday, March 29, 2021

Troll Hair, Don't Care

As we say in my country, "Uff da! It's windy out there today!"

It was. Here we looked forward to the warmest day of spring so far – and 40 mph winds out of the south accompanied the gorgeous temps. As I told my girlfriends, if you're flying north today, you'll make great time on your brooms!

I think the wind advisory will expire while we're sleeping. About the same time, my bed head hair will look like my wind hair today.

Wild hair. Looking like one of those troll dolls! And not in the cute way. I may start parting my hair on that side. I guess, depending on the wind, it can go either way.

Besides a new hairstyle, I did get some steps out of it. Had to take advantage since the mercury roller coaster is going to dip down and few days before it slowly treks up to that high point of 70 degrees on Sunday. Allegedly.

And while I do like warm and sunny and dry, I know this is posing a fire hazard, too. My nephew out in Rapid City, SD, had fires and evacuations in their corner of the world today. All present and accounted for, but be careful out there. 

And Smokey Bear says, "Don't do anything stupid."


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