Tuesday, May 7, 2024

A Tall Drink of Water

You don't hear it much anymore, but a "tall drink of water" describes a person who is generally long-legged and very attractive. And perhaps could satisfy your "thirst" on a hot day – as water certainly would.

It's not a common expression anymore. But I discovered a brand-new meaning for it this week.

Yesterday when my friend Jenny and I took a walk at lunchtime, she presented this ice cream lover with a special gift! A half-gallon (you read that right) water jug that will definitely keep me hydrated (and running to the restroom) at work. I love it!!

It was so nice, we walked 3 miles! And then after work, I went to shoot pictures of Royals track and field and got a little more sun and 2 more miles of steps!

Those meets are so hard to capture because you've got all the field events going on at the same time for about half an hour, then track starts and you bounce back and forth and try to get a little bit of everything. My favorite thing to shoot is the long jump.

They just fly! I did get other field events plus several running events before I had to go. I just happened to have an appointment with my hair artist at 6:15 p.m. (And those track meets last so long!)

By the time I got home I was sun-kissed and exhausted. And knew I had to sleep carefully to keep my hair styled for another day. Ha. Despite a full-on downpour of a day, I did!

After work, it was a quick stop to check out the brand new Hobby Lobby in Stevens Point. No, I didn't buy anything. This time! Then home to finish going through last night's photos so I could watch The Voice. So much talent this season!

Tomorrow night after work I'll really have some special music. No, not choir practice. Even more special. I'll fill you in after! 

Have a good week and be careful out there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice style and some great shots of the loooooong jumps