Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Bleeding Hearts


It's appropriate that my bleeding hearts plants bloom in May – the month my dad died 11 years ago. But this year it applies to even more stresses on our hearts as we continue to pray for my sister and mom. 

As I said some time ago (6 weeks seems like a year!), it's been two steps forward and one step back for these two. After a promising weekend, they both had setbacks to start their week. So prayer warriors, please pray for those doctors to have the knowledge and skill set to make them better. And of course, pray that they'll have strength. It's hard to have that after so many uphill battles!

Not that we need any more bleeding hearts in our lives, but we also found out today that two of our friends have cancer. I'll never understand why God allows this to happen, but I will still pray to Him to give them strength to fight this battle! 

As much as I dislike these stressors on our hearts, I know that the power of prayer works. (I mean, my sister is alive, after all.) And that I'm grateful for my somewhat sketchy version of "health" today. Never take that for granted!

Thanks for reading and praying and being a part of my bleeding heart! 

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