Sunday, May 26, 2024

How Life Measures Up

We are not campers or regular "celebrating on Memorial Day Weekend" people. But it does seem that more often than not, it rains. A lot. Today proved that. And it just kept inching up or measuring up by centimeters at least.

Jim went to early church in Rudolph to hear the Assumption Band play for Memorial Day afterwards. It was inside. I had to read today in my church – but that was inside, too, so it didn't matter.

Walking our temporary pet in the rain was a bit challenging, but Carter and Mamie worked wonders with him when he "had to go" later in the afternoon.

We attended a 90th birthday party for one of Jim's high school classmate's mom. I loved that they had an open mic to tell stories about the "birthday girl." What a great idea to do that while she's living instead of at a funeral! Hearing a few, you could definitely see how her life has measured up – and why she's still a firecracker at 90. Loved it!

We also went to a graduation party for one of our friends' sons who we've watched grow up before our eyes. Not just playing baseball but acting as a true leader at school, too. You are too cool for words, Nolan!

This is a random picture from in town. Water is rising everywhere. I hope you could enjoy your holiday weekend or, if not, can find some source of fun Monday!

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