Thursday, May 23, 2024

"I fold."

Mom played her last hand of cards this week. And typical of her sneaky but skillful approach to any game, she left on a winning streak. 

Those of us R kids (and grandkids) who could, visited her one last time in the past few days to say our goodbyes. I raced up there yesterday to do the same and she'd taken her last breath before I got home to Rapids last night. 

May she rest in peace – with no worries about struggling for breath. And definitely no worries that her kids are going to do something to embarrass her. Ha. That threat will guarantee good behavior for at least 2 generations!

We will plan a celebration of life at some point down the road when my sister Rachel (who still needs prayers) can leave the hospital and attend. 

In the meantime, hug your parents if you got 'em! She had a full life at 92 years, but for this baby of the family, it doesn't feel like it's enough. Emotionally, I can't wrap my head around the words to express my sorrow right now. But I can tell you this...

My creativity. My cleverness. My courage. My compassion. My competitiveness. I owe it all to this beautiful person! I miss you already, Mom! 💔 Do me a favor and let Dad win the first hand up there -- he's been waiting 11 years! 💔


Anonymous said...

Loved reading this. There are no words when you lose your mom. I still feel some days I want to call her. I miss her terribly.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry Robyn. I can’t even imagine life without my mom. You are all in my thoughts and prayers! May all those wonderful memories get you through the weeks ahead!!