Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day Treats

A summer day like this is a treat any day, but on Mother's Day it feels like maybe Mother Nature was catering to us moms who love sunshine and warmth! 

Of course, Mother's Day is always special because hubby makes me homemade Eggs Benedict for breakfast.

A delightful meal at Cafe el James with country fresh egg a la Trevor (our neighbor). Perfect!

Since we didn't have any offspring visiting, Jim also treated me to golf at Northern Bay. It's located in Adams County and going to be the next big thing until Sand Valley stole the spotlight. We've played there a few times but it's been a few years.

Their claim to fame is several "replica" holes closely mimicking famous golf courses. 

Some were a bit of a stretch, if you ask me.

But the Sawgrass island green was definitely one I recognized.

And just like the pros do (sometimes), both our drives took a swim! Still, it was fun.

Only downside was lots of mosquitoes, high winds, and like the top weather picture mentions – poor air quality. My eyes were so full of sand and pollen that they were itchy and bloodshot by the time our round was done. The price we pay for fun, I guess. 

All that fresh air – and my first 18-hole round of the season – and I'm sure to sleep good tonight. Thank goodness it's cloudy so I won't be tempted to view the remains of the Northern Lights.

Hope all you mothers had a wonderful day and were spoiled like you deserve!

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