Tuesday, May 21, 2024

And Then What?

What a week! Oh wait, it's only Tuesday! Well thanks to the current wicked weather, they rescheduled some sports to yesterday afternoon and evening.

So thanks to that, I shot pictures of the Lady Royals 18-0 regional round 2 victory over Alma Center. And shot some of our boys Senior Night and final regular season game of the baseball season. They won, huge!

I was editing lots of pictures last night and didn't get the time to blog. And tonight, well, it could go anywhere if I blog too soon.

Major severe weather warnings here and there – not the least of which is high winds, maybe hail, maybe a twister. Also, I'm dealing with the uncertainty of Mom's health.

Got a call today that she's really, really struggling. I'm not surprised after seeing her this weekend, Bacterial pneumonia when you have COPD is not a good combo. And now, despite the oxygen, she just can't catch her breath and be the mom who kicked my butt in cards just a little over 48 hours ago.

So I left work at noon and came home. In case I received news that turned me into an emotional mess. No news of that sort yet, but I'm still an emotional mess.

And now severe weather is surrounding us and I'm cocky like that's nothing compared to what we've been dealing with. Still, at the first major flash of lighting or a power outage, I'll take cover. I'm cocky but also practical. 

Be safe tonight! 

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