Monday, October 14, 2024

Rose-Colored Fall Glasses

Ladies, you can identify with this. How come when we come out of church and shop in a grocery store while we're looking our finest... we never run into people we know? But when my hair's pulled back and I'm in sweats or T-shirt, I run into all kinds of people?! 

It's Ladies' Murphy's Law.

Tonight I was excited that after I had my hair appointment with just a roots touch-up but prize-winning hair style, I was lucky enough to run into a friend on the way out of the salon and one at the gas station. I just said, "Tell your friends I had great hair!"

And I'm sure I did.

But then, after running a few errands on my way home in HOPES of running into someone I knew, I encountered some unusual fall colors. The sunset was awesome, but my destination to the east was showing incredible and unique "October is Pink Month" colors.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say "rose-colored glasses" were a real thing. I detoured into the parking lot of a golf course and got these shots...

Facing the sunset in the west to start with..

And now facing east!

So amazing! All I know it it's a reminder to Think Pink and support those with breast cancer – or any type of cancer – this month and always. Thank you!

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