Thursday, August 24, 2023

Just Holding Onto The Season

As it happened, despite the continued heat wave, a bunch of us Thursday Night Golf League ladies decided to keep our tee times.

Also as it happened, only 3 of us could golf. So despite 85 degrees (cool compared to yesterday), we gave it a go and had a great time!

I decided that much like portions of the golf course, my game is still under construction. I realize it's August and late in the season, but we could all use improvement, right?

My other realization is that the sun is setting a lot quicker these days. A 5:30 p.m. tee time means we're past sunset time when we're done. With three of us, we kept pace fine. It's just Mother Nature reminding us summer is coming to an end soon.

Not too soon, we hope. We are holding onto this season as long as we can. Aren't you?

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