Monday, August 7, 2023

Wild Women's Week

Our annual sister weekend was pretty different this year. First, since we decided to fly somewhere – Asheville, N.C. Second, since it was in summer not fall. Third, since it was much longer than a weekend. And finally, since there was less than 24 hours that all 7 of us were together at the same time!

Since I was 100% on vacation last week – including from blogging – here's a quick recap in words with many photos to come this week since nothing I have going on is as interesting or photo worthy.

So last Tuesday, August 1, all 7 sisters were going to fly out of Minneapolis. But my sister Romey's hubby fell ill and she decided to stay behind while they figured out if he was just dehydrated from the heat or what. So 6 of us flew to Asheville on Tuesday. 

We took the scenic route to the vacation rental home in Waynesville. That's when we learned quickly that just about every road was going to be twisty-turvy – as you'd expect on mountain roads. 

My poor sister Rachel was the only driver of the rental mini-van (aka R Bus – and yes, we all think ahead and R creative!) and she had to put up with 6 backseat drivers all week as some (OK, all) of us took turns freaking out about curves, heights, and traffic. Uff da.

But the views were worth it and so was the time with sisters. Romey was able to join us Wednesday night so we had all of us together that night and Thursday when we went to the Biltmore estate (pictured up top) before Raylene had to fly back home.

Since I was in the same state as my boy, he and Mamie made the 4-hour trek over from Raleigh to see us all Friday night. 

They had to leave Saturday morning for work, but it was worth it having a few awake hours together! Even though that breaks all rules since we never ever let anyone except our sisters participate in Wild Women's Weekend – except occasional dinners out with brother Ron. My grown-up nieces definitely called me out on that!

Sorry, not sorry. I missed my baby!

We flew back last evening and I got home about 12:30 a.m. I took today off to do laundry and recover (and golf, of course). I've learned you need a vacation or at least one vacation day after a vacation!

I look forward to sharing the beauty (and unique sights) of North Carolina and eastern Tennessee! Have a great week!

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