Saturday, April 28, 2007


Concentrate. Think hard about doing something that takes focus. Something like drawing a three-dimensional box or cutting out a snowflake or putting a title on a scrapbook page. Or maybe kicking a soccer ball.

What does it take to concentrate?

If you are like Carter and me, it's just: Stick out tongue and engage brain cells.

When I was young, my mom would point out to me that I stick my tongue out when concentrating on an important task like decorating Christmas cookies or coloring in the lines. I don't think it's gross or anything -- just a goofy mannerism that has become so automatic I don't realize I still do it (but I do).

I've seen Carter do this during similar types of close-up concentration work. I had no idea one could carry it to the next level on a ball field. I don't think I even noticed his tongue sticking out during today's game, but it was obvious the minute I looked at the pictures later.

I guess it's proof he can think on his feet. I bet he can walk and chew gum at the same time, too ... though the gum would probably fall out when he sticks out his tongue!


Anonymous said...

Too funny! Now I have clean up my eye makeup before church! Thank God for funny people like you, I enjoy your blogs R#1

Anonymous said...

Oh no!!! He inherited your habit. I guess whatever it takes to concentrate. I agree though, it's hard to believe to be able to do that while running. How did he not bite his tongue? Well, if it works for him, may his tongue stay safe.