Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Back to the 9 to 5

The par 5 9th hole at SentryWorld was the last hole we played tonight for our work golf league. When I saw the sign, I reminded how next we go back to the "9 to 5" so to speak. No early exits for afternoon league.


At least we had perfect summer-like weather. It was very un-September like today.

Except for the fall colors on my morning commute. Those definitely speak September.

The shadows were getting long on the course, too. It seems like there golfers on every hole. Everyone wants another summer round – it is technically still summer!

I liked that when our round was wrapping it, I got another dose of color on my commute back home.

Oh and then pull over to see the colorful full moon, too.

I guess when I get stressed about life in the "9 to 5," I should just look around. I can see God's trying to get my attention. "9 to 5?! Work, smerk," He says. "We got this."


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