Sunday, September 8, 2024

Weekend Snapshot

I just realized I haven't blogged since Thursday night. I'll give you a hint what's been taking up my time. Yup, 5 photo shoots.

Initially, hubby was going to be out of town on a golf trip so I figured I'd set things up this weekend so I could be free next weekend. Well, they ended up not going. So I still didn't see much of him – thanks to my schedule. 

The good news: 11 senior sessions are done and only 4 more to go! 📸

And some random pictures mixed in...

Like this cute cow / bull guy in the field near my picture taking yesterday.

He really wanted his picture taken – and to reach over the fence to help me take mine. Harmless but slightly pushy. Ha.

This morning I took pictures for our church and our annual God's Work, Our Hands work day – doing everything from cleaning gutters at some elder members' houses to packing up Lutheran World Relief school kits and quilts to painting at local elementary schools. It's always a productive morning of putting faith into action. I'm will to break a sweat, but with two black thumbs, they definitely trust me more with a camera than a set of garden shears!

After that and a senior shoot today, I stopped at our Downtown Grand Affair craft/vendor sale and classic car show. Why would I go there when the Vikings were playing at noon?

Because even though the Packers already played this weekend, the TV idiots decided to air the Bears game here instead! So I know we won. But it sure would've been fun to see our new QB and other new players in action. 

I already lost my fantasy matchup so I'm glad there was something wonder-SKOL happening at least!

This evening we had what feels like the 5th funeral / visitation this week. A friend of ours, just my age, had been battling ALS and then his heart gave out this week. It was unexpected to happen this quickly. Our hearts break for his dear wife and their family. There must have been 400 people gathered for his celebration of life "party" tonight. What a testament to how many lives Rick has touched with his kindness and positive attitude. I could not stop crying. Uff da.

Afterwards, we grabbed a bite to eat at Sportsman's with two of the other couples that were there. We have to treasure time with friends and loved ones when we can! We just don't know.

Let's have an uplifting week. We deserve it! 💕

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