Thursday, September 5, 2024

PAR-allel Seasons

I'm starting to experience when two seasons collide. Tonight was our penultimate night of Ladies Golf League – and we were definitely borrowing daylight – and the kickoff of the NFL season and, thus, our fantasy football season.

As luck would have it, my partner Marigene and I had the latest tee time tonight for league – 5:20 p.m. Based on our league's track record of slow play this season, we wondered if we'd finish before dark.

Especially when this was the typical scene on many tee boxes.

After the 7th hole, Mr. Fox was enjoying the sunset views but was hoping we'd have light to finish. We did.

Got done at 7:40 p.m. when our official Wisconsin Rapids sunset was 7:27 p.m. No worries. We all found our balls – even in the rough!

When I got home, I was reminded that it was the first night of NFL football. I thankfully remembered to set my fantasy lineup earlier today. But my famous QB – Taylor Swift's boyfriend's teammate – isn't doing so hot, I got concerned.

Do I finish my golf season strong or start my fantasy football season strong?

Based on my skill set, I'd say just sit back and watch. Good luck out there!

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