Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Charity Combined with Clarity

My company takes our United Way campaign very seriously. So thankfully today, that meant a scoop of delicious King Cone ice cream – for a good cause of course!

It also meant raffle baskets and thanks to our marketing department, an incredible book fair. Oh gosh, if you have a favorite author or book title in mind, you need to let me know ASAP as this sale/fair only goes through Wednesday!

Of course my clarity in life came on the golf course after work today. A bit windy so there were actually waves on the water holes. But not bad versus the super high humidity and temps of previous weeks.

Of course, we're still so blessed we get to golf at SentryWorld and play the back 9 for league just enough to experience an appreciate the Flower Hole.

Still looking pretty in September!

Something my two black thumbs could never accomplish!

Since were into mid-September almost, we've got the bonus sunset views.

And wildlife, too! We loved that they didn't care about our tee shots. There was obviously tasty in the grass by the 18th tee box!

I had a great round – despite some required mulligans to keep me happy. Worked out just fine to cap off a day of doing good for United Way. 

More to come for the next 2 weeks. Hope you all have a chance this time of year to support a very good cause!

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