Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Sometimes Life Takes a Big Dip

It was cool to capture the Big Dipper in a photo this week, but not so great to deal with some big dips in life.

Today we went to the pre-funeral visitation for our friends' mom. And when I say friends, I mean 5 kids and their spouses plus all those grandkids and great-grandkids. Sending out biggest hugs to the Smits family.

Meanwhile, I learned my second to last uncle on my Dad's side died. And late this evening learned a friend of ours died unexpectedly with heart issues. Oh, Lord. You do not have to do these things in threes!

Not really in the mood for anything uplifting. Just remember to hug your loved ones – even the ones who irritate you now and then – while you got 'em.

Be careful out there – count your blessings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I’m feeling the same. Thanks for the Big Dipper picture though ❤️