Monday, May 21, 2007

Church ladies

Now I know how my mother feels when she wonders if her blogging daughter will reveal family secrets to the world.

I left Carter in the care of my parents -- and as it turned out, the church ladies -- on Saturday while I attended a conference. There was a bake sale and rummage sale at my old church and my mom had to help. Rather than hang out with Grandpa, doing what boys and grandpas do, Carter opted to stay with Grandma at the rummage sale. I learned later that he probably did this for two reasons: One, he became their best shopper, and two, he was the only youngster there and therefore, the center of attention.

On Sunday, we went to church with my parents. I love my old church and I knew Carter would get a kick out of how small it is -- only 6 pews on each side.

Well he did enjoy himself, and with good reason. All these church ladies he met the day before were saying "good morning," "peace be with you," and giving him high fives. They all said they learned a lot about Carter the day before (I thought: Uh-oh) and told me what a delightful child I have.

Now I know I can put that Charm School tuition to some other use. If Carter had his way, it would probably be something at the next garage sale!

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