Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Energize me!

OK, it takes me awhile to try new things. Just ask my husband. OK, get your mind out of the gutter! I'm talking about food (well, mainly).

He claims I get into a rut when we go out to eat. I always order the same thing. This is kind of true. However, we don't go out to eat very often so it's not like I'm eating Chicken Cordon Bleu or Eggs Benedict every week.

I like the fish fry at The Ridges, the Chicken Cordon Bleu at Hilltop and the chicken strips at Rusty's Backwater Saloon. If there's a good thing at a particular restaurant, chances are I'll order that good thing every time we go there ... that and a Diet Coke with lemon. I'll admit I'm in that rut.

I'm pleased to report I've been walking on the wild side lately. I was curious about these new "energy drinks" that allegedly give you a boost when you need it. I know I need a boost now and then -- I just didn't know how much they'd give me. Is it just like adding a cup of coffee to my morning routine or will they make me so jittery I won't be able to control my computer mouse?!

And what do they taste like? With names like Red Bull and Hype, that doesn't tell me anything. So while perusing the grocery story aisle (did you know there are 109 different energy drinks?) I picked a name I knew from way back: Tab energy drink.

They still make Tab? They make Tab energy drinks? Yes and yes. What does it taste like? Like someone dropped a very sour, tart vitamin into a can of Tab and let it dissolve. I'm not sure it gave me much of a burst of energy so I went with another brand I knew: Mountain Dew Amp. Same taste but I felt a little burst -- I think it's because this one had sugar!

My hope was that with the help of these energy drinks I could get up early to go running. I would slam one and be able to run just moments after shutting off my alarm.

So this morning, I wake up at 5:15 a.m., drink some Amp (I could not force myself to drink the whole thing) and go running. Unfortunately, I was running/jogging like I just rolled out of bed. I did survive the 3 miles!

I think the energy burst finally hit when I was done and in the shower already. So while my mile time was sluggish today, I can at least report I'm squeaky clean!!

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