Thursday, September 27, 2007

House call

I'm deeply indebted to my son Carter. Or I should say deeply in debt with him. But I don't mind a bit.

We were chatting at the dinner table about school and work. Sometimes it's just like conversing with another adult. Sounds strange but I've come to realize (and appreciate) sometimes he is 9 going on 90.

So I was talking about how I was a little bit nervous about an upcoming one-on-one meeting with the CEO of our company. (As I was trying to explain: the boss' boss' boss -- like a grandpa boss.)

Carter told me not to be nervous. "Just be yourself, Mom, and don't overdo it. Try to think about something else, but don't forget to stay on the right topic."

I smiled and tried not to laugh because I can't help it when he sounds so grown up. So he says, "Mom, don't laugh. I know you're gonna say you don't know if I should be a psychiatrist or a scientist. Well they're practically a homophone so they must be close!"

I said, "Oh, should I call you Dr. Austin then? What do I owe you for this house call?"

"Uhm," he said, thinking it through, "I think about a million lovin's. And you can take your time paying me!" Sounds like a super deal to me. Good advice at a great price! Paging Dr. Austin ...


Rayna Delaney said...

Enjoy those "lovin's" as in about 4 years, he won't want any lovin' from Momma, right?

Anonymous said...

What an awesome son you have. You and Jim should be very proud of what you have raised. Carter you are the man. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I second lenesker's comments about Carter. He is most definitely the man. I can recall a day when he was a little brown-eyed bandit sneaking into the fridge, stepping up on the ledge so he could reach a Sippy cup of milk.

He is going to have a very bright future!