Thursday, September 6, 2007

Stranger Danger

While the world jokes about Sen. Larry Craig and the bathroom sex sting operation, it scares the crap out of me (pun intended) as a parent.

Seriously, it does take "stranger danger" to whole new level -- and it's frightening. We used to think nothing bad happened in Smalltown America. Trust me, as a former cops and courts reporter, there are a lot of bad things happening behind closed doors ... some so bad we couldn't even put them in print.

Perhaps we were trying to shield our readers but maybe we shouldn't have. People should be aware that there are bad things happening in our homes, on our streets and yes, in our public restrooms. If people don't know, how can they protect themselves or, more importantly, their children?

I get nervous when Carter and I are alone somewhere and I have to send him into the bathroom by himself. The restaurants don't concern as much as the ballparks, the roadside rest areas and the airport. I do say, "Carter, remember 'stranger danger.' No one here knows you no matter what they say." He'll say, "Mom, I know." And I pray to God he does.

I hate that I have to even worry about that. But I can't forget about boys like Jacob Wetterling and Adam Walsh, whose sad, sad stories gained national media attention in the '80s. I thought it was tragic then and now I'm a mom and I think I would just die if something like that happened to my angel. I get a lump in my throat just thinking about the possibility.

Schools today are doing their best to teach young children about "stranger danger" -- not so they live in fear, but so that they have awareness. Kids don't always listen to Mom and Dad (news flash), but they will take seriously what is being said by a police officer or a firefighter.

As parents, it is our job to remind them about those lessons now and then. All bathroom humor aside, this really is not a laughing matter. Hug your kids today!


Anonymous said...


Thank Heavens for good moms, dads, grandparents and neighbors. I read your blog and believe you are a healthy, nurturing parent who might appreciate hearing a clarification about WHO's hurting our children. As a cop, you learned that the vast majority of those who hurt or steal our kids are known, trusted adults or other juveniles in their lives. Research tells us that less than 5% of the time, a stranger hurts our child. Stranger Danger is mostly a myth so please teach young Carter to avoid dangerous SITUATIONS and BEHAVIORS, not certain kinds of people (stranger or non-stranger). That will keep him safer! Good luck, Nancy Sabin Exectutive Director, Jacob Wetterling Foundation

Robyn Austin said...

Good point, Nancy. That, too, reiterates the point that this is a sad world we live in when we don't know who to trust. Thankfully, we have an open and honest relationship with our son so he feels comfortable sharing situations and behaviors that make him feel uncomfortable. I pray that will be enough. Thanks for reading, Nancy. Keep up the good work with the foundation!