Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Right now!

Sometimes I think I should have named this blog the Gratitude Gazette or something of that nature. Every day I find something to be grateful for -- and I don't forget who to thank for that. God has a way of putting people in my path who remind me I've got it pretty good.

Just this morning I was crying to a friend about an issue I can't control. Something that bothers me, disappoints me and upsets me, but certainly isn't the end of the world. Not when I see what others are going through.

One friend of mine is losing his dad to lung cancer just months after his wife, a very dear friend, lost her mother. Tonight, I got an email from another friend whose boyfriend was killed in a motorcycle accident last month. "I guess you never know how much someone means to you until they're gone," she wrote. Isn't that the truth?

I recently read the book For One More Day by Mitch Albom. The story tells of an alcoholic man whose life is spiraling out of control when he suddenly gets to spend one day with his mother -- who died years earlier when his priorities weren't right and he couldn't have cared less. He treasured that unlikely second chance to make things right with her.

It certainly made this reader think about where my priorities are today. Am I placing people first? Do I tell them I love them? What if I was the one who died today -- would they know how much they meant to me? Unlike the book, we don't get those miraculous second chances. Today is the day.

There's a song by Van Halen called Right Now that I like to run to. I like the upbeat tempo and the message in the lyrics:

Right now, hey
It's your tomorrow
Right now,
C'mon, it's everything
Right now,
Catch a magic moment, do it
Right here and now
It means everything.

This song speaks to me of urgency and action. Is there something you are waiting for? Is there a reason you can't do it right now?

I know right now I have to thank God that my loved ones are still here on this earth ... they aren't suffering from cancer and haven't been stolen from me on the highways. Right now I have to pray for comfort and strength for my friends who are grieving. Right now I have to be thankful God hasn't given me anything I can't handle. Right now I have to sign off and tell my guys how much I love them.

What can you do right now?


Rayna Delaney said...

Right now I can thank you, Robyn, for your always up-lifting blog! You have a true gift with words. Each day at the end of my work day and right after Paul & I greet one another, either I will ask or he tells me... "Robyn's got a new blog" and we smile. Rayna

Anonymous said...

Right now I thank God for my twin. Right now I am thankful that our relationship has improved over time. Right now I am thankful for all of my family and friends. Right now I thank you Robyn for all that you do through your actions and words. God bless you!