Thursday, September 13, 2007

Reality check

This business of trying to lose weight has turned into a situation so pathetic that it's laughable. And I mean truly laughable.

Today is Thursday so that means it's weigh-in day for Weight Watchers. The last two weeks I finally broke through my plateau and lost some poundage for the first time in 2007. That fact alone is a bit pathetic (just a bit, huh?) -- considering a group of us started the year gung-ho with the Biggest Loser contest, then Weight Watchers and more Biggest Loser. (I mean, did we think the fat would just fall off by reading Self magazine or Women's Health?)

One of us had a great week this week, losing nearly 5 pounds. Way to go, Karen! We were sitting at our desks talking about her success and she mentioned the key was that she quit drinking soda of any kind and is mainly drinking water and milk.

Give up soda? Wow, that sounds like a great idea, we said. We should try that. That's when Sara (who is not on this weight-loss quest and doesn't need to be) says: "You know you guys were talking about doing this on my first day here last Dec. 4."

Oh wow. The reality hit us all. We've ingested all this great advice and knowledge about weight loss -- and have shared it freely with each other -- but have not taken our own advice and taken action. "Sara, I'm sorry we've all let you down!" I said. "We're so pathetic!"

And then we just started laughing. Laughing at ourselves. Laughing at how we always KNOW the solution to getting healthy but don't act on it. Laughing at how pathetic our progress has been in all of 2007. I was laughing so hard I was crying.

It was a good, healthy laugh session. I don't know if it burned any calories but it felt good. Sometimes we just need to laugh at ourselves. Then get off our butts and do something about it! Let's go, girls!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you could laugh, that is what we need to do somethimes! I am not laughing today, just can't getit in gear - and I don't know what to do today to get there, so I will try again tomorrow!! You are doing great, kiddo, keep up your wonderful attitude!