Thursday, July 4, 2024

Have a Safe and Happy 4th

I love this safety (sort of) reminder for July 4th. I actually thought some of these things last night when someone in the 'hood was setting off some sort of fireworks. I knew they weren't sprinklers because they made noise!

Anyway, I felt bad for the neighbor dogs who definitely do NOT like fireworks!

We were talking about Sylvester today and how she'd just sit on Jim's dresser and watch thunder and lightning storms out the window without flinching. She would definitely not have qualified for the "My cat is upset and hiding" cat-egory. 

Since we saw fireworks in Rudolph the other night, we're not going into town to see them tonight. We did make two trips in, though, our day off.

First we had lunch at Ida's with Jim's dad, sister and brother-in-law, and Clay and Becca. For some reason the waitress knew it about Jim's birthday and brought out a piece of cake and with a candle after the meal. I swear I don't know how she knew, but it's fun for hubby to have the spotlight once in awhile!

Late this afternoon we went downtown to Whiskey Rapids to meet up with friends and listen to some live music. That was nice! We escaped and headed home before the thousands of people descended on the river bank for the fireworks show. Yes, Wisconsin Rapids puts on a great show. But it is chaos down there.

Plus, I think it's going to rain between now and launch time at 9:30 p.m.  Although I have been wrong a lot today on that front!

So here's to the freedom to do what we want today. No shame in staying home and watching McClintock for the 20th time. Or having the freedom to watch Hallmark perhaps in the basement! 

Let freedom ring! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Happy Birthday a.k.a. Holiday Eve

Hubby often brags that he ALWAYS gets the day after his birthday off. And well, he does! 

When you're born on July 3rd (that's today, folks!), it's pretty much true for a least 90% of us, I imagine. So how are we celebrating the big day – er, July 4th Eve?

Well we both worked today – but I did manage to sneak some King Cone into the freezer last night. His favorite – Pirate's Booty – and of course, a small serving for me, too!

Tonight he had golf league so he was doing what he loves best. And I was shooting pictures at the waterski show. Probably a good thing we have the Day After Jimmy's Birthday Holiday tomorrow so we can just relax!

God, bless America! And my husband. And ice cream! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Just Ducky

As it happened, I was checking out a bunch of my senior portrait locations yesterday and I happened upon this flock.

My first instinct was to laugh. Because I pictured how my sisters and me – the Hen House – must look when we're "conversing."

But then they all turned toward me and my first thought was "They're going to attack me or, at a minimum, hiss at me!" My second thought was, "Wow! They're all in a row!"

It's so funny that we all hold ourselves to the standard that we should have our "ducks in a row." Most times, I'm guessing, we might see our ducks but have no idea what to do with them! Thankfully, these guys (or ladies) didn't come after me.

Instead, they picked up a new friend and headed in the opposite direction! If you're like me, sometimes we need these signs that we can find a better place if we switch directions.

Or pause and realize that sometimes, nature is a "silly goose" or duck! 

What feels natural to you? What makes you laugh unabashedly at the absurd moment? What makes you want to follow "your" ducks even if they're headed in the wrong direction?

Just praying we all get our ducks in a row at some point!

Monday, July 1, 2024

Two Pears in a Pair: That Rocks!

Because I am the Princess of Puns – my mom was the Queen – I thought this was the perfect illustration for our 22nd wedding anniversary. Don't try to change my mind!

Of course, a Monday anniversary (after food, fun, and fireworks this weekend) means it's pretty low-key. We both worked from home and had a few things to do after work.

So for our minor celebration, I chose this picture of us at Red Rock outside Denver from a few years ago. Because a rock-solid marriage means surviving the rocky times and being a bedrock of support for each other no matter what the other is going through.

I'm so grateful to have my best friend by my side for each small rock and the big one – 22 years. 

Yours always. 💜