Friday, July 19, 2024

PTO (Putting Time Off)

It was so awesome to spend much of my day off with my friend Christine, who I don't see enough of since she moved away. And oh yeah, spending much of my day off at the golf course is nice, too!

We golfed with her dad and friend Barb in the Royal Golf Scramble at The Ridges. We're not smiling here because we won – or even finished under par. We're smiling because despite the 50-some degree 7 a.m. start, it warmed up after just a few holes AND we were having fun!

Jim has golfed in this outing forever. In fact he did both the morning and afternoon session today with two slightly different foursomes. Glad I could finally participate. 0I love scrambles because there's really no pressure. USUALLY one of the four of us has a decent shot. I had several good shots but my share of chunks, too. My trusty 4-hybrid is absolutely my favorite new club!

After golf, I had a leisurely afternoon editing photos and, most importantly, getting an hour deep-tissue massage. So needed! 

Headed back to The Ridges for our delicious "awards" dinner. I only put awards in quotations because I didn't get any. I was really hoping to win the big 50-50 but I chose my lucky number 28 and the one drawn was 26. So close!

Jim, however, won prizes for both of his foursomes. Plus a new golf bag in one of the raffles. I guess I'll have to be content winning that $5,000 Royal Prize earlier this year!

And we were treated to a beautiful sunset while leaving the course. I'll take that prize any day!

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