Thursday, July 4, 2024

Have a Safe and Happy 4th

I love this safety (sort of) reminder for July 4th. I actually thought some of these things last night when someone in the 'hood was setting off some sort of fireworks. I knew they weren't sprinklers because they made noise!

Anyway, I felt bad for the neighbor dogs who definitely do NOT like fireworks!

We were talking about Sylvester today and how she'd just sit on Jim's dresser and watch thunder and lightning storms out the window without flinching. She would definitely not have qualified for the "My cat is upset and hiding" cat-egory. 

Since we saw fireworks in Rudolph the other night, we're not going into town to see them tonight. We did make two trips in, though, our day off.

First we had lunch at Ida's with Jim's dad, sister and brother-in-law, and Clay and Becca. For some reason the waitress knew it about Jim's birthday and brought out a piece of cake and with a candle after the meal. I swear I don't know how she knew, but it's fun for hubby to have the spotlight once in awhile!

Late this afternoon we went downtown to Whiskey Rapids to meet up with friends and listen to some live music. That was nice! We escaped and headed home before the thousands of people descended on the river bank for the fireworks show. Yes, Wisconsin Rapids puts on a great show. But it is chaos down there.

Plus, I think it's going to rain between now and launch time at 9:30 p.m.  Although I have been wrong a lot today on that front!

So here's to the freedom to do what we want today. No shame in staying home and watching McClintock for the 20th time. Or having the freedom to watch Hallmark perhaps in the basement! 

Let freedom ring! 

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