Sunday, July 7, 2024

100% Kick Ass-ery

I started my road trip up to Luck early this morning with an attitude inspired by my new air freshener courtesy of my friend Sara.

But it didn't take me long after arriving at my sister Rachel's house to realize SHE is the one who's a bad ass and kicking ass -- if I may say so.

I'm here for 3 days and she is so Miss Independent I can't believe her progress. As I type this, she has somehow wheeled herself into the bathroom and is able to take a shower. All without my assistance.

I was a bit nervous signing up for duty for a few days, but now I'm just in awe. However, I did kick her butt in cards tonight so I'm not THAT nice of a sister.

The afternoon was spent catching up with my twin, who I tagged off on the mild care duties, and Rachel's son (my cowboy nephew Zach) who came by with his wife and they smoked a seriously tasty steak for dinner. I also started scanning some pictures for our mom's memorial service -- which is in Grantsburg on August 10.

In the picture above, my new superhero Rach is lower left and I am middle right -- realizing I still wear my hair that way when I'm hot or don't have time to curl it. Ha.

I'll be working from my legit HOME office in Luck, Wisconsin, the new couple days. I literally can see my high school from here. I guess some things come full circle, Too bad there isn't summer school going on so I can teach those kids about writing for the school newspaper.

Or prepare them that even if you're from Luck, you won't always have GOOD luck on your side. 

Have a great week, everyone!

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