Thursday, July 18, 2024

When You're Too Awesome

Nothing sets the stage for a good competition like a win at work right before golf league. 

For me, that meant kicking some butt and being too awesome at our monthly marketing meeting–before heading to golf league. And thank god I did good at work because my partner and I could have had our best round and still wouldn't have beat our opponents.

Still, I was feeling good with my foxy head cover and new clubs – which I'm gradually getting used to. I will say that 3 of the 9 holes I was putting for par. And I did not sink it. There's a slim possibility that I should replace my putter – the only holdover from my old set – or that I need to practice putting.

Either way, I'm crossing my fingers for good foxy vibes when I participate in a scramble on Friday! I can't wait to have the pressure of only 1 out of 4 shots. 

Sounds awesome to me!

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