Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sports Illustrated Retro Swimsuit Edition

As I'm going through pictures to scan in for my mother's memorial service, I'm naturally coming across childhood pictures. Some I'd want to share and some I'd prefer were buried in that ark Indiana Jones allegedly found.

The reason I like the one above is because there was a certain time in my life (I'm at left) when chubby thighs and knees were cute with no judgment!

I would love that right now!

But it's also a cute picture with my twin and our next oldest sister Rachel. And without asking them, I'm sure they'd agree it would be amazing to feel those care-free things we felt at that age.

Something I'm sure anyone can identify with!

Here's my Wednesday Wish.... May we all remember a non-judgmental time in our lives (no matter how far back) and realize we were awesome and deserve to pay our amazing selves forward!

The next generation will thank you.  

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