Saturday, July 27, 2024

That One Time... in France

I love when the Olympics are held in a country I've actually visited before. While I haven't been to Paris, Carter and I spent a day in nearby Strasbourg, France, when he was studying abroad in Germany for a semester in college. I was only visiting for a long weekend and said, "Let's hop a train and go to France for the day!"

So much easier than it sounds. Like maybe 90 minutes on trains between Heidelberg, Germany, and Strasbourg. 

It was pretty cool, but we also learned that the French are a bit uppity and don't really want to lower themselves to speak English.

Glad they're sporting a different attitude for the Olympics!

I took Friday off and drove up to Luck to do my sibling home healthcare shift with Rachel. After getting Friday fish fries for the famous Hack's Pub (owned by a childhood neighbor boy), we sat down and watched the opening ceremonies. Some of it was kind of strange, but overall we wondered how Los Angeles could possibly replicate something so unique in 4 years.

Bon travail! (That means "good job" in French, according to Google translate!)

We got up this morning and watched a bit of bicycling in the slipper rain, water polo, soccer, and extreme ping-pong (what the heck?!). Got home tonight just in time to see some gymnastics and hopefully swimming. My life is in NBC's hands!

As much as I love the Olympics, I will update you that more importantly, Rachel is doing great. Miss Super Independent! She's still in a wheelchair and can't put weight on her left leg for a few weeks. But managing so well. I was just there as a hands-off guardian angel – trying to keep cool air circulating in these nearly 90-degree temps!

Uff da!

That reminds me, of course I'm cheering for Team USA but I'll root for my home countries of Sweden and Norway when our red, white, and blue aren't in the mix!

Go TEAM!! We got this! 

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