Monday, July 22, 2024

The Princess and the P

The idea behind “The Princess and the Pea" fairytale was that only the most refined – only a person of the highest breeding – could possibly be sensitive enough to feel the lump a pea made under 20 mattresses. And thus, a true princess was found.

I've often wondered if we had any royalty in our family tree because I seriously have trouble sleeping at the slightest discomfort.

But tonight this princess is not dealing with a PEA, but the letter P – which stands for PERFECT hair, of course!

The only down side of a late hair appointment is that my hair artist makes it look amazing – and then it's time to go to bed. So I will have to sleep very carefully.

Yes, it can be done. I'll try not to toss and turn for any reason – even the slightest pea-sized lump – so the curls can live to see another day. I have this challenge every 6 weeks and I can tell you, I've mostly been successful. 

I'll let you know how Tuesday morning hair looks. Or if I can just tweak it enough to make it look fresh. I mean we princesses have powers you don't even know about! 

Tonight I'll use my power for good. I grant you all a good week!

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