Thursday, June 14, 2007

Circle of Life :: Part 2

Most mornings, when that alarm goes off at 5:15 a.m., it takes a concerted effort on behalf of every slumbering cell in my body not to hit that snooze and roll over for another half hour of sleep.

Some mornings, I cave. But for the most part, I've been pretty good this summer about shutting off the alarm, putting my running shoes on, taking a few swigs of Red Bull, then heading out the door.

I must be crazy in my quest to get fit. But I find I am not the only one. At the same intersection each day around 5:30 a.m., I am guaranteed to run into (well not literally) the same bicyclist heading south, probably training for a race or something.

What does surprise me is when I round the corner for the last half mile, I cross paths with Mr. & Mrs. Retired Couple out for their morning walk. I always think: Why would you be up this early in the morning if you didn't HAVE to be?

Then I remember: Naps! If they feel tired by mid-morning or afternoon, they can take a quick snooze. One of the joys of retirement!

To me, it reflects this strange circle of life. When we're babies, we take naps, someone wipes our drool and changes our diapers. In our working years, we'd love to take a nap but we don't have the time to or can't clear our minds long enough to relax. When we're old (and I use that term loosely), we get to take naps again ... but we also need someone to wipe our drool and change our diapers!

Will it even matter then that I am trying to get fit now? I'd hate to be lying in a hospital bed when I'm 90, dying of NOTHING!

At least I know Jim will stick with me ... for at least two reasons. One, I've had lasik surgery so I'll be able to drive at night for a longer time. And two, I can cram enough Depends for both of us in one of my scrapbooking totes!

Ah, the wonderful circle of life!

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