Friday, June 22, 2007

Ice cream, you scream ...

Not to age myself, but do you remember that commercial for Lowenbrau Beer in the '70s? "Tonight is the night, the night is kind of special, tonight -- let it be Lowenbrau."

In our family, Lowenbrau could be replaced with "Shivers." No, it's not a beer. It's an ice cream shop.

Most small towns have a Dairy Queen or something that emulates one, where instead of Blizzards, they have "flurries" or "hurricanes" for frozen treats. In Iola, they have Shivers.

When Carter started commuting with us 3 summers ago, it didn't take him long to get hooked on Shivers -- known for their Flavor Bursts! Flavor Bursts are vanilla cones with just a burst of another flavor -- like butterscotch, Cool Mint or Blue Goo -- that makes the cone look almost like a twist cone. M-m-m!

On the first day of Kidz Camp, we took Carter to Shivers as his "beginning of summer" treat. We told him then he should not ask to go to Shivers every night. We'd go on special occasions.

Well, so far, two weeks into this, he has asked every night. And so far, we have allegedly had 3 "special occasions"! Right. Just call me a push over. I can't resist my Cool Mint Flavor Burst!

Tonight will be a Shivers night. This time it's really a special occasion. Honest. We got Carter's report card in the mail yesterday and he is now officially a fourth-grader! Grades were very good. Comments about his behavior and sense of humor were good, too. We told him that was definitely worth celebrating.

So "Tonight is the night, the night is kind of special, tonight -- let it be Shivers!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Flavor Burst ice cream!!!! This past April, I took my girls and some friends to Arkansas. In the little town of Marshall, they have a "Daisy Queen" with Flavor Burst cones. My friend's grandpa had given us money for a treat so we decided to stop and get a cone. The pictures of the cones really did not look very appealing, but, of course, we had to try it out. I truly believe that was the BEST ice cream I have EVER had in my life!! I'm almost drooling now! I can see how you would have to set a limit on how many times you go to Shivers. We were only in Marshall three days, and HAD to stop twice. How far is Iola from Frederic? I know Iola is closer to us than Marshall. Do they have butter pecan???? LJ-5