Friday, June 15, 2007

Who's the next American Idol?

Live from Iola, Wisconsin ... it's American Idol!

Parents of campers at the Iola Kids Club Camp were invited to attend the taping of American Idol this morning. Earlier this week, they got their "tickets to Hollywood." Today, in small groups, the campers took turns showcasing their talents in front of the other kids -- and moms and dads with cameras.

There was a mix of singing, jokes and skits. We didn't know what Carter was going to do ... it was top secret until show time!

He ended up doing a skit with three other boys where they sat on chairs in a row, reading newspapers and whispering down the line "Is it time yet?" Carter, sitting at the end, would look at his watch and say, "No!" Then they'd whisper back down the line and start it up again. Finally, Carter looks at his watch and answers, "Yes!" Then they all put down their newspapers and say "Good!"

If it sounds confusing, it is - or was. We didn't get the point. But we laughed anyway because they were so into their "roles."

Just like on the show, they had to face the judges when they were done. No worries there. They were all more like Paula Abdul than Simon Cowell, so there were no tears.

In the end, they were all declared winners and they took a bow. Good job, contestants!

By the way, I don't know if the FOX network in your area will re-broadcast the show so I'll post photos later!

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