Monday, June 4, 2007

It's raining, it's pouring ...

As much as I love sunny weekends during the summer, there's something to be said for a "rain day."

It rained non-stop Sunday. Great for the dry soil but not so great for an outdoors Fun Fest at our church. It took some hustling but we got everything into the church basement -- everything but the dunk tank, where people would get wet anyway.

Carter and I were in charge of the Putting Green game. Three chances to sink a putt. I'd give the contestant a putter and place the balls, and Carter would retrieve them. Some of those kids had quite a back swing!

We had a good system until one of the guys from the Bean Bag Throw told Carter to challenge me to a putt-off. Carter made 1 out of 3. I made none. I'm convinced it's harder for a golfer (or golfer wannabe like me) because we think too much! Oh well, I saved my skill to win the Cake Walk later!

Overall, it was a fun way to spend a rainy day inside. When we got home, we capped it off with some popcorn and a movie ... and cropping time (that's what we scrapbookers call our work time). I finally officially finished my 2005 scrapbook so I felt a sense of accomplishment for the day.

It helped that I didn't have to fight the lure of the lounge chair on the back deck! So I guess the rain helped "crops" everywhere.

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