Saturday, June 2, 2007

Music Man

Carter has developed an appreciation of classical music. Classic rock, that is. He definitely gets that from Daddy because Mommy is practically banished to her tower if she wants to listen to '80s music.

Typically we're listening to the classic rock station on the car radio. It used to be that when Jim asked Carter "Who sings this?", he'd just throw out guesses like Styx or The Who or Steve Miller Band. Sometimes he'd actually get it right.

Then he fell in love with The Wall by Pink Floyd. And what kid wouldn't love a song with lyrics like "We don't need no education..."? He subsequently got a Pink Floyd T-shirt and poster from Santa and The Wall CD from the Easter Bunny. Not your average third-grader.

Now we hear him singing along to songs in the back seat and we just smile and listen.

This morning on their way home from baseball practice, Jim was flipping through stations and Carter suddenly said, "Dad, turn it back. That was 'Crazy on You.'"

The other day when I had a song from a commercial stuck in my head, I said, "Carter, help me think of a new song!" Without hesitation, he started singing, "Who are you? Who, who, who, who..."

What did we expect? Mary had a little lamb? I guess I'll keep my '80s music to myself and sit back and enjoy the classics!

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