Thursday, September 7, 2023

Crunchy Crunchy Day

Leave it to a creative marketing team to come up with a Crunchy Crunchy Day. In other words, bring anything – breakfast or lunch or dessert – that you could easily call "Crunchy Crunchy."

I brought my chow mean noodle-peanut butter-butterscotch concoction that has been called everything from Hay Stacks to Bird's Nests. But now we'll call "Crunchy Crunchy" obviously.

But there was a lot more... from crunchy pickles and fortune cookies...

To apple crisp and several varieties of Chex Mix...

So delish! (And crunchy, of course!)

After work we ended up at Belt's ice cream for a final cheers and salute to our co-worker David leaving our team. Side note: He worked in Iola with me for a bit but at our current workplace, he's become my "work son" and I will miss him terribly!

After the ice cream treat, I had two photo shoots on my docket. One was a "save the date" shoot, which I better keep hush-hush, and the other was the son of a former co-worker and friend who I've watched grow up. 

It was an amazing shoot because Nate was grown-up and carried on a conversation with this old lady who knew him at birth. Also, he was willing to jump off a little bridge and go out on some rocks for a good picture. Or two or twenty.

Kind of an up and down day in terms of emotions. But how cool is it to have special people in your life?!

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