Friday, September 29, 2023

WTF (What The Fall?)

Been a little out of the loop as I deal with a new fall favorite. Not pumpkin spice. Allergies! 

Woke up Thursday morning coughing and had a runny nose. That continued through the day and in one of my work meetings, someone mentioned maybe I had fall allergies. Well, I've never had those before!

But according to Dr. World Wide Web, I definitely matched the symptoms: runny nose, coughing, watery eyes and even the "dark circles under the eyes." Who knew that was a symptom? As a precaution, I took a COVID test and that was negative. I just couldn't figure out what triggered it. Until... 

One of the online sites had this to say: Mold is another fall trigger. You may think of mold growing in your basement or bathroom – damp areas in the house – but mold spores also love wet spots outside. Piles of damp leaves are ideal breeding grounds for mold.

So you mean after spending an hour in the light rain in piles of leaves for a photo shoot Wednesday night, that could be a trigger?! Sure was. 

Claritin helped but I took today off anyway. I think I needed to catch up on rest after three solid weeks of gutting the kitchen and dining room plus a wedding in there. My body needed to rest. And the rest of the house needed a little attention.

Didn't get too far with that. I woke up in the middle of the night and ended up watching the Ryder Cup (over in Italy) and tried a few naps today between mopping, washing windows, and of course – golfing!

It's been a few weeks since my golf partner Marigene and I got out. We were a bit rusty, but who cares? Let's get more rounds in since it FINALLY stopped raining. I figured as long as I already had the allergy gig going, I might as well try to enjoy the outdoors.

And keep Kleenex (or Porta Potty toilet paper) on hand! 

Like I said, I am not used to or equipped to handle fall allergies. Bless your heart if you deal with this every year. Now that I've been there, done that, I don't really see the need to experience this again.

Just do your thing, Claritin. Please.

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