Friday, April 12, 2024

TGIF (Thank God In Faith)

Sometimes we casually talk about the power of prayer, but I firmly believe it works! 

Tomorrow marks 2 weeks since my sister's horrific accident. As I've previously mentioned, she seems to make progress but is not out of the woods yet. 

If you follow her Caring Bridges site, you know the doctors have discovered a couple of blood clots that were concerning. They couldn't operate until other blood numbers (I'm not smart enough to understand) are at the correct levels. But today they couldn't wait and she had surgery number 5, I believe. And even though I reported 2 days ago that she was out of ICU, this means she's going back.

Any prayers upward are soooo appreciated.

Of course, life never hands you just one challenge at a time, so please pray for another person we love who is having a few issues. Thanks.

On the upside, after many crossed fingers and possibly prayers upward, our boy did a very adult thing today and purchased his first car! Of course it's another Honda. We swear by them!

He quickly learned adulting is not as easy as it looks. So glad at the end of the day, he could buy it, insure it, and take those keys and run! 

It's just a tiny reminder things can work out if you have a little faith. And perhaps a lot of prayers.

Thank you for your prayerful support!

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