Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A Hot One

When you sit inside an air-conditioned office all day, it's hard to comprehend that it "feels like" 96 degrees outside. 

Until you walk outside into the heavy air after work! Uff da!

So while hubby sweated through golf with his buddies, I decided to stay home in the A/C and watch something hot!

Yup, watching the second half of Season 3 of Bridgerton. Only one episode to go. But it's almost my bedtime so maybe I'll wait until tomorrow night for the finale – when probably all outdoor activities will be called off due to rain. Again.

My flowers are loving it. But I don't know when it will be too much for farmers. Looks like a wet forecast until Sunday morning. Hopefully just sprinkles when we have tee times. I mean that's why God invented golf hats, right?

Be careful out there!

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