Monday, June 24, 2024

Meandering Monday

I usually work from home on Mondays, but since we have 2 days of  "planning/budgeting" in Stevens Point, I figured I'd take advantage of the extra hours here and explore the infamous Green Circle Trial. Well, parts of it. 

I'll have to give you a "virtual tour" but for now, just know it's pretty cool and there are signs (sculptures not included) that could direct your life and current thinking.

It appears a lot of elementary schools in the Stevens Point area visit here and make signs. Love them!

Not sure what this is called, but I call it "My friend Cindy, you can do it!"

I had to laugh at this one because I just know it was a boy! Ha.

And this sign, well, it kind of encapsulates our department meetings today. What is demanding our attention and what must we respond to? We've got another day (at least) to figure that out. 

In the meantime, just meander and see what signs call to you. There's no wrong answer.

Be careful out there!

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