Friday, June 21, 2024

The Heavy Stuff

I have to laugh at this meme from Caddyshack. Frankly, the "heavy stuff" has been coming down for awhile. And it resumed right before we teed off for golf league last night.

Not raining when I left work in Stevens Point, but then it started sprinkling and was a steady light rain by the time I got to TriCity. Our league rule is that we play in the rain unless it lightnings. Well, this was our view from the cart, which Marigene and I never use -- but had to to keep ourselves (and my new clubs) somewhat dry.

We were all wishing for lightning.

By the end, everything from our headcovers to our socks and underwear was soaked! Pretty miserable. I don't even know what our score was and how we did. We were all in cold, wet survival mode. So don't let anyone fool you when they say ANY day on the golf course is better than work.

There are exceptions!

Today it continued to rain so Jim didn't get together with an old friend to hit the links somewhere between here and Green Bay. But there was a moment of sunshine for about 2 hours when I set out my wet golf glove, shoes, headcovers, and bag to dry. That somewhat did the trick.

After work, I hit the road and headed north. For the first hour it was raining so hard I could hardly see -- and was experiencing the joys of hydro-planing. Good times, Mother Nature. You're not making any fans.

She always responds with "Yeah, but how are your flowers looking, Robyn?"

Must she have the last word? For the record, my hail-damaged blooms have sprung back to life. But so have the many, many weeds I "thought" I eliminated a month ago. Never trust Round-Up, I guess.

Too bad there's not a "We love our jolly good weeds June" to follow "No mow May."

Hope you all stay dry and safe. And can escape the moisture-induced mosquito invasion!

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